Top spots in Tennessee to get your Outdoor Gear
By Ashleigh Gallop
Picture courtesy of Ivana Cajina
The beautiful weather and amazing landscapes of our great state leaves you no excuse to stay indoors… get out of the house and take advantage of all Tennessee has to offer. Across our astounding state there’s so much to see and do. We hope this list provides a little inspiration for the nature lover in all of us.
Gator Brown’s Bait and Tackle
Have you ever wanted to spend time in 4,500 acres of green space? Visit Shelby Farms Park in Memphis. This park has more than 20 bodies of water offering fishing opportunities for everyone from beginners to the professional angler. You’ll need to be fully stocked and ready to catch some Catfish, Bream or Bass. Make sure you visit Gator Brown’s Bait and Tackle in Memphis before you go. This great local store pours their own lead weights, repairs and sells rods and reels, and would love to trade fishing “lies” with you. Something you just can’t find at the big box stores.
Picture from Shelby Forrest courtesy of Chris Barwick
Cumberland Transit and Binks Outfitters
If you’re looking for a day on the hiking trails, look no further than Middle Tennessee. Only 30 minutes from Nashville some of the most beautiful areas the state can be found. Try Randor Lake; it’s a great spot for beginners and avid hikers alike. An easy 1.4 mile trail will give you a great view of the lake, and the Garnier Ridge or South Cove trails provide a vigorous yet rewarding path. Before you leave, stop into Cumberland Transit and Binks Outfitters, both located in the Nashville area. Make sure you pick up a multi-tool and buy a Yeti Rambler at Cumberland Transit to stay hydrated, and some Merrell hiking boots at Binks Outfitters before you begin your trek.
Starr Mountain Outfitters
Interested in hitting the hiking trails of the beautiful Cherokee National Forest? First stop into Starr Mountain Outfitters in Etowah. Located in the Southern Appalachian Mountains, Cherokee National Forest provides some beautiful views and stunning wildlife. With two extensive trail systems, Tanasi and Chilhowee, you’ll have more than 40 miles of trails for your "Wandering" adventure. Starr Mountain Outfitters in Etowah can help you get all the gear you need before you head out. Hydration pack, gloves, and the right shoes are top on the list to buy from Starr Mountain before you head out.
Rock Creek Outfitters and Trek Bicycle Store
Harrison Bay State Park is less than 20 miles from downtown Chattanooga and offers a great destination for water lovers and nature enthusiasts in Tennessee. This oldest state park in Tennessee has been around since the 1930’s. Before launching into the Chickamauga Lake, hit one of the two Rock Creek Outfitters locations for your kayaking gear. Named in the top 2 for paddle shops in the country, you can get a 10% discount on accessories when you buy a kayak. If you’re interested in riding the 4.5 mile bike loop along the shoreline, stop into Trek Bicycle Store on the Northshore. Whether you are looking for a commuter bike, something for heavy off road cycling, or both, the great team at this store will make you their number one priority….just don’t forget the helmet too!
Rock/Creek in Chattanooga
Nantahala Outdoor Center (NOC)
There’s no better place for camping than our Great Smoky Mountains. Heading out to see Cades Cove and Rainbow Falls is a great day in the mountains, but before packing it in for the night you’ll need to stop into Nantahala Outdoor Center (NOC). With a location right in Gatlinburg, NOC is the nation’s largest outdoor gear company. They will be happy to help supply you with tents, sleeping bags, camping kitchens and so much more. Master guides are there to answer questions or plan your next outdoor adventure, too. Just don’t leave without an Eno Hammock…..the only way to enjoy your night sleeping under the stars!
No matter where you’re passions lie, send us lots of pictures…..and rock your TriStar Shirt on your next Adventure!
Ashleigh Gallop is a guest blogger from Chattanooga. Follow her on Instagram, @as_drake